Make a complaint

“At ADRA Denmark, we recognise the importance and value of listening and responding to concerns and complaints. ADRA Denmark commits to an effective complaint handling procedure that reflects the complainant’s needs, expectations and rights. Complaints are dealt with in an effective, fair and timely manner.

ADRA Denmark emphasises that complaints are handled with the highest discretion. People who complain may choose either to provide their personal information or to remain anonymous.

Read ADRA Denmark’s Complaints Handling Procedure

Read ADRA Denmark’s Whistleblowing Policy

Read ADRA Denmark Complaints Report 2022

(Please find complaints reports from previous years here)

You can choose from three different ways to file your complaint:

  1. By sending a letter to the address: ADRA Denmark, Concordiavej 16, 2850 Nærum
  2. By contacting the chairman of ADRA Denmark’s Cooperation Committee Nils Rechter on +45 4558 7700.
  3. By completing one of the two forms below. The first is for sensitive complaints. The next for non-sensitive complaints.


Form for sensitive complaints:
(A sensitive complaint is typically a complaint about corruption, sexual exploitation or another gross violation of our staff Code of Conduct. This type of complaint will only be handled by a limited number of people who need to know about the complaint. When you submit your complaint through the form below, it will be sent to the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the ADRA Denmark Board):

Maks. filstørrelse: 10 MB.


You can only upload one file per complaint (eg word, pdf, jpeg) with a size of max. 10 MB. If you need to upload more files, please file the complaint several times.

Form for non-sensitive complaints:

Maks. filstørrelse: 10 MB.

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